Job Category
- Administratë – Zyrë
- Arkitekturë
- Financë
- Inxhinier Civil
- Inxhinier Preventivues
- Inxhinier Mekanik
- Inxhinier Elektrik
- Inxhinier Sigurim Teknik
- Inxhinier Kotroll Cilësie
- Juristë
- Menaxhim
- Prokurime
- Punëtorë & Specialistë
- Shoferë
- Teknikë
StarTek Value
Our greatest value is the quality and longevity of constructions that we offer.
Our principles :
1-Correctness in the performance and delivery of services
2-Accountability to achieve successful results in the deadlines set
We are an ever-growing company.
Steadily we present new ideas in the area where we operate.